Tuesday 8 May 2012

NS Men, Ai Si ah, 要死阿?

Each time someone expresses their distresses and torments about the National Service (yes, boys, you’re all guilt-ridden of that), I tend to pretend I’m listening but I’m actually not, though.

When I think about our local NS men, I visualize a tattily clad maid, laden with a burden of grubby and soiled camo haversack perched precariously on that curved spine of hers. Leticia would be her name, carrying ridiculous Boy Boy’s bag pack that tips the scale at thrice that of her own weight.

On top of the whole tragically reenacted Noose sitcom vis-à-vis that doleful maid carrying her employer’s son’s camo bag, along comes another catastrophically netted shot of an NS man sitting duck in the train amidst the throng of commuters, clad in his army overalls.

My first thought upon reading this invasive article is that Singaporeans must be really jaded and bored to delight in overstressing trivial matters such as this. Sure, I haven’t been to the army but I’ve permanently pondered what it’s really like being an NS man, even just for a day. It may be discourteous to get a woman (i.e. maid, grannies, mothers, sisters, girlfriends) to carry your outlandish patterned green camo haversacks – sure, I would agree! But come on, crafting an article to affront this NS man for sitting duck in our cherished SMRT train? Because you never know, he might have had a bottomless gash on both his knees and his ruptured arteries were probably spewing fresh blood from knees to ankles, or he might have been feeling faint from standing after having sat for the entire day during his national service? Yes, pun intended.

Don’t be a critic of this acquitted man’s behavior and comportment before interrogating him first.

Any which way, this NS man had no other space but to sit on the floor, knowing very well that Singaporeans will never give up their seats to the casualties of neediness. I’m just guessing that he probably and desperately needed to take the weight off his feet, hence, his decision to park himself on the floor.

So, Singaporeans, don’t blog or snap photos of oblivious and guiltless fellow-poreans before questioning them about their repulsive conducts and behaviors first, for you never know you might just as well be someone else’s victim who will end up fronting the covers of senseless local news.

(including people who snap violent shots of others refusing to give up their seats to you on the train/ buses)

If you have a need for it, ASK.

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